Thursday, January 3, 2019

  Do You Like Facebook? who told you you could eat my cookies? view source o make it work on iOS, use sms:5555551212;body=hello – Paul Sturm Jul 15 '14 at 2:20 show 1 more comment up vote0down vote With Android 3.0 SDK Google has started exposing API in HTML5 for device access. An example is listedhere. It may not be enough for what you seek to do. I dont know enough about iphone to advise either way. share improve this answer answeredApr 19 '11 at 19:19  omermuhammed 6,700●3●23●39 up vote0down vote I have tested the below and it works: Using HTML Anchor tag: Subscribe Using JavaScript:'sms:111?body=SUBSCRIBE', '_self');

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